Tell us how does this website score?

We are working on improving this website to give you a better online experience. To make sure we get it right we want you to rate your experience as a user. 

To take part, just complete our short website feedback survey. We are keen to hear from customers who use the MHA website to access our services.

Our website feedback survey is open to all MHA customers and it should only take up to 10 minutes for you to complete. We are encouraging residents, members, their families and friends, along with our volunteers and supporters to get involved and complete the survey.

The more feedback we receive, the better. This helps us to better understand how the website meets with your online needs and find out how we can improve your online journey and experience. 

Whether it is good, bad or in the middle, we would like to hear from you. Just share your opinion and tell us how do we score.

For further information about the MHA website feedback survey, please contact Ebuni Okolo, Website Project Manager by email at: