Lent has now begun, marking the start of a period of reflection and contemplation for many Christians. Traditionally, people fast or deny themselves something during these weeks, but at MHA we are glad to be offering a new book that will, we hope, provide some spiritual sustenance.

Our book God, Me and Being Very Old was launched in London with foreword author and MHA Patron Baroness Kathleen Richardson, and interest has been strong. The book shares the faith stories of 15 of the “oldest old” among MHA’s residents, recounted through Chaplains. As we each tread our own individual spiritual journey, it is a privilege and a joy to be able to receive guidance from those who are much further along the path than we are – perhaps further than we might ever travel ourselves.

Anyone on a faith journey can take something from the wisdom and experience of those residents who feature in the book. For those looking for something specific for Lent, there is even a five-week course of meditative material, with questions and discussion points based around ten of the stories.

Spiritual travels are often solemn, but pierced with a special kind of joy. Perhaps the wisdom of our greatest elders can help us to make greater sense of the places we find ourselves in along the way.

God, Me and Being Very Old is published by SCM. It is available at all good booksellers and is also on Kindle. You can order it at http://tinyurl.com/lpmj364. The Lent course, Stories & Journeys: Lenten Reflections from Older Pilgrims is also available for £4 including p&p. Please contact Catherine.McIntosh@mha.org.uk.


Rev Dr Keith Albans

Director – Chaplaincy and Spirituality