We’re busy in Swindon. Work is currently underway on a new Assisted Living development, Fitzwarren Court, due to complete next year. But our Swindon site already has a care home and a development of apartments for couples living with dementia. Why are we building even more there?

The care home, Fitzwarren House, has a stellar reputation, and the apartments, Stanton Lodge, enable couples living with dementia to continue sharing their lives together. These are both important services, and right for the residents who live there. But some people, whose circumstances or requirements are different, would choose another option – a simple, all inclusive package plus care in a beautiful, private apartment. The key word here is ‘choose’ – and that’s what our development on site is about.

Assisted Living is a newer service from MHA, and one that has been enthusiastically embraced elsewhere. After we ascertained that the demand existed in Swindon, it made perfect sense to provide it as an option. Together, Fitzwarren House, Fitzwarren Court and Stanton Lodge will form a mini-village, offering a range of living and care options so older people are more likely to be able to choose the lifestyle that best suits them, along a continuum of care.

At MHA, we believe we have a duty to develop our services to meet the changing needs of older people. We should be providing the choices that empower them to lead as fulfilling lives as possible. And it’s in the interest of choices, and empowerment, that we are continuing to develop in Swindon and elsewhere.

Dominic Rothwell

Group Director – Retirement Living