Windrush celebrations to mark 75th anniversary at MHA Bradley Court

03 July 2023

MHA Bradley Court marked the 75th anniversary of the Windrush movement with an open community event.

The complex hosted a vibrant and diverse event which included members of the Caribbean community living in the town.

There was plenty of authentic Caribbean food including chicken curry, rice and Rum cake.

Members of the community as well the Chaplain shared their memories and experiences of what life was like when they moved to the UK.

The development offers the opportunity to join a friendly community, with all the freedom and privacy of having your own front door. 

The ship HMT Empire Windrush arrived at the Port of Tilbury on 21 June 1948 and its passengers disembarked a day later and carried 492 Caribbean migrants, many of them veterans of the Second World War.

Kayleigh Edwards, housing manager said: “The event could not have gone any better and we all really enjoyed the day.

“MHA Bradley Court is a very diverse place, similar to the town of Huddersfield.

“We have a good mix of residents from different backgrounds which makes the place an enjoyable experience to work in.

“Whilst I was planning the event I got to learn a lot about the Windrush movement and how it impacted the lives of so many people.

“I want to thank the members of the Caribbean community who came in and supported us throughout the day.

“Everyone had a great time, we learnt so much and it was a very proud day for us all MHA Bradley Court.”