“If you can't be good, be careful” words of wisdom from resident at MHA Engelberg who turns 102

21 March 2024

A resident at a MHA Engelberg celebrated her 102nd birthday with fellow residents.

Vera Hardy lives at the Wolverhampton home and the occasion was marked with a surprise party.

The home was decked with balloons and flowers and Vera received plenty of cards from family and friends.

A macaroon cake was prepared by the kitchen staff and enjoyed by all.

The home offers residential care for 34 residents.

Karyn Wherton, activities coordinator said:” Vera is a very loved resident here at MHA Engelberg.

“She is a very humble lady and someone who is very independent and mobile.

“Vera has a strong connection with the church who still keep in regular contact with her and have been visiting her and other lifelong friends in the week leading to her birthday. 

“She was overwhelmed with everything that was arranged for her and had a huge smile on her face

“Vera has lived in Wolverhampton all of her life and shares with us many happy memories of playing in Bantock Park as a child after seeking permission from the maids of the house to collect conker nuts from the trees. 

“She also remembers the cows with the curly horns that used to graze in the fields there and is the one to go to when you need facts checking or a spell check and always a good listening ear when you need one. 

“She is very smart and is like a book of quotes, my favourite one is, If you can't be good, be careful, which is something she says very often.”