Christmas fete at MHA The Homestead raises £500 for residents amenities fund

11 December 2023

MHA The Homestead raised £500 with the support of their staff and the residents' families.

The Carterton home had their Christmas fete which was attended by more than 100 people.

The fete included classics such as raffle, tombola and various stalls including a knitting stall set up by the wife of one of the residents.

Staff members also enjoyed the fete by dressing up as elves and bringing out their Christmas jumpers.

There was also some live entertainment with plenty of Christmas classics being sung.

The home provides residential and residential dementia care for 68 residents

Kirsty Ridley, one of the activity coordinators at the home said: “The fete was really popular, and we all had a great time.

“We had plenty of things going on and it was a fete that was applicable to all ages.

“It was a fairly busy day and even though we only had the fete for three hours, I do feel we did really well.

“We had plenty of support from our colleagues as well as the family members of our residents.

“There was some great feedback from the residents, everyone got stuck in and it was a real team effort.

“The funds raised will go towards the residents amenities fund, which will be used for trips and activities.

“I want to thank everyone who came and supported the fete, without their support we would have not been able to reach the figure that we did.”