Right-sizing in later life

26 May 2023

by Tracy Campbell, MHA Assisi Place Manager, MHA


You may have heard of downsizing, but right-sizing is becoming a more popular term to use. Down-sizing is when you move into a smaller home or property, usually when you’re older and no longer need as much space. It tends to be linked with more negative aspects of needing to move.

Right-sizing is pretty much the same thing, but it focused more on the positives and the thought process behind moving. The idea is that you gain more of an understanding of how you live in your home to help you choose your next one. If you do decide to move, it gives you a chance to declutter, and then your new home should be more manageable than it was previously.

Choosing the right home for you allows you to fully utilise the rooms you do have (you can make room for any hobbies, or anything else you want extra space for). Data from msvhousing.co.uk showed us that only ‘about 30 percent of a home’s space is used 90 percent of the time.’ Your new space could give you a new lease of life being able to use it more effectively.

Other positive side effects of making the right move are that you may be able to reduce your monthly outgoings (we have more help on our reducing your household outgoing page too), potentially fewer areas to clean or upkeep, new social connections, and a boost to your happiness and positive wellbeing.

Right-sizing means moving into an appropriately sized home in which you could live a good, independent life in a more manageable (both physically and economically) sized home.

The reasons why you might be considering moving home are different for everyone and depends on your circumstances.

It’s a fact that we’re living longer so you want your last home to be the right place for you that you might be spending many, hopefully happy and healthy years in.

When I was asked to write this piece, it made me reflect on what I would want for my retirement home. If the time comes for me to move from my current home I would actually choose rightsizing because I do not want to lose my independence or identity. By that, I mean, I still want to access the friends and places in my local community that have become a part of my everyday life,

Rightsizing into retirement living would mean I have the privacy of my own flat with support if I need it, control over my personal space and belongings, and most importantly, I’d have the independence to be active in the local community.

If you haven’t already, you might also consider retirement living – there are different options available to rent, shared ownership, or buy. You become a member of the community and there are often activities, groups, and outings whilst also being able to be independent to come and go as you please.

You must choose what’s right for you; I hope this has given you some food for thought as it did for me.

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