Our 80th Anniversary

29 August 2023

by Kate Le Sueur, Head of Chaplaincy, MHA


2023 is a milestone year for MHA as we mark our 80th year anniversary. Inevitably, a lot has happened in the last 80 years. From our humble beginnings, opening our first care home in 1945, retirement living in 1977 and our first community group in 1988, we’ve come a long way.  

MHA was founded in 1943, importantly, before the beginning of the welfare state. We’re older than the NHS! Our founder, the Reverend Walter Hall, saw many of his church members anxious about how they would be cared for as they got older and more infirm. Particularly those women who didn’t have the financial support of a husband or son, and in those days, feared they would end up in the workhouse. Walter was determined to find a way to help older people find the care and support they needed and to relieve their anxiety. This is still very much a part of our ethos to this day.  

I joined MHA four and a half years ago and soon discovered that Walter’s passion to support people in later life, is still alive and well. I was struck too, by the warmth and friendliness of colleagues, going out of their way to be helpful. When I began to visit our homes and schemes, the thing that I noticed right away was how much laughter there is. It didn’t fit with the stereotype of care at all. Everywhere I go, there is singing, games, music, worship, activity, conversation. And laughter. 

It’s with pride that I stand here today helping to arrange the 80th anniversary service. We’re in Harrogate - the place where our second care home, Berwick Grange, was opened in 1946 and where that legacy of Walter Hall is being lived out everyday. 

There are ways you can celebrate with us: 

In person you’re welcome to attend our 80th anniversary service at Wesley Chapel, Harrogate on Saturday 23 September at 2:30pm - 4:30pm. To book your free ticket, visit the Eventbrite page.

If you can’t join us in person, you can leave a message of thanks, prayer, reflection, or memory on our virtual oak tree. Feel free to add images of your celebrations or for a trip down MHA memory lane.

Watch our Walter's Words video to learn more about our history and founder Rev Walter Hall 

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